[Zope-dev] Recursively adding ZClasses (continued)

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 21:33:23 +0200

Thanks a lot Jason,

I'll try it (though i'd swear I tried something very much alike)

>This currently adds recursive ZClasses for me.  All ZClasses are on the top
>level of the Product, no nesting:
>     <dtml-with "manage_addProduct['ZGL']">
>      <dtml-with
>"ComponentClass.createInObjectManager(_.getitem('unique_id', 1), REQUEST)">

hm, what is the 1 in the getitem argument doing there? Never used that

>I cut a few things out that didn't have to do with the recursing, but you
>bet the general picture.

Yes I bet it (sorry couldn't resist)

thanks again, and i'll let you know if it works. It would be highly
inconsistent if it would work from one product folder (a different from the
current one) and not for the other (the current). So I think this deserves
some more digging.
