[Zope-dev] ZPatterns alpha 3 released (was re: ZPatterns 0.4.0a2 bug fixes)

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:03:02 -0500

At 11:54 AM 6/20/00 +0300, Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
>"Phillip J. Eby" wrote:
>> * The missing _objectChanged() message - it was very hard to track down,
>> because everything appeared to be working right, except for the fact that
>> it wasn't working.  Turns out that _v_status_ (the variable, not the
>> method) was an empty string.  Which meant that what looked like
>> self.__dict__['_v_status_'] in code was actually self.__dict__['']. 
>Now I'm having problems with changing objects - 
>               Error Type: KeyError
>               Error Value: _v_status_
>  File /home/Zope2/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/DataSkins.py, line 192, in
>  File /home/Zope2/lib/python/Products/ZPatterns/DataSkins.py, line 137, in
>KeyError: (see above)
>As far as I can tell _v_status_ is not initialized at any point, which is
>what causes the problem.

Huh?  Oh, %&#()@&%...  I fixed that in my working copy, but didn't check it
into CVS before building a release .tgz yesterday...   Argh.  Line 137 of
DataSkins.py *should* read:

        if self._v_status_ is not ChangedStatus:

Sorry, everyone.  I've checked in this fix, along with the one for Mike's
"missing _v_dm_" problem, and uploaded an alpha3 release.