[Zope-dev] Zope & Cygwin

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 20:13:09 -0400

Note that I was able to get Zope up and running using Cywin after:

- upgrading to the most recent snapshot Cywgin dll (cygwin1-20011016.dll),
which was as easy as copying the file over the existing 1.3.3 version of
cywin1.dll.  I didn't futz with building anything Cygwin-related out of CVS.

- recompiling Cygwin python with thread support (which was a matter of
"./configure; make; make install" with the Cygwin Python sources, as Norman

- rerunning $PY_SRC/Tools/scripts/h2py.py against the fcntl.h file that
lives in Cygwin's /usr/include/sys and saving the resulting FCNTL.py file in

I then compiled the Zope trunk using Cygwin Python and GCC via a simple
"python wo_pcgi.py" and ran it via "./start", and voila!  It at least
appears to work!  Very nice... thanks very much for the heads-up, Norman.

I need to buy the guys at Cygnus a beer or a yacht or something.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Norman Vine" <nhv@cape.com>
To: <michel@zope.com>
Cc: <zope-dev@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 11:30 AM
Subject: [Zope-dev] Zope & Cygwin

> Michel Pelletier writes:
> >>
> >Whether or not it is the most popular, who knows?  Windows
> >support is absolutely essential however and will never be
> >traded off for any other feature.
> I finally have a Cygwin compiled Zope running in a Cygwin enviroment.
> This is with the very latest Cygwin distribution augmented by a locally
> compiled Cygwin as represented by the current Cygwin CVS files.
> There is a new Cygwin release pending
> or one can just use the "developer snapshot" of Cygwin !
> FWIW - I use a slightly modified distutils as outlined in method 2 @
> http://www.vso.cape.com/~nhv/files/python/myDistutils.txt
> This is on a Win2k sp2 machine and the Zope-2.4.1 tarball
> % cd Zope-2.4.1-src
> % python wo_pcgi.py
> % ./start &
> Cheers
> Norman Vine
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