[Zope-dev] Re: Python 2.1.2 does not fix the signal 11 crashing problem !!!!!!!!!!!

Joseph Wayne Norton norton@alum.mit.edu
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 17:30:25 +0900

At Mon, 21 Jan 2002 10:17:23 -0500,
Matthew T. Kromer wrote:
> 2.4.4 (which should be mostly the equivalent of the Zope-2_4-branch in 
> our CVS) hasn't been extensively tested.  There are a LOT of things that 
> I'm aware of that _can_ cause crashes, ie in MySQL when the database 
> object switches threads, it can get unhappy (I think something in MySQL 
> may have thread-local state).

I wanted to follow-up on this issue and share a little of my updates
since I need a version of Zope as close as possible 2.4.3 but with the
compiler fixes included to reduce the number of zope restarts.  There
are some particular reasons why we cannot wait until the release of

Anyway ... so based on my understanding that the Zope-2_4-branch
contains the restricted compiler fixes and used in conjunction with
Python 2.1.2, I should be able to have a reasonably stable version of

So, I did the following steps (all on the linux platform) ....

0) Installed Python 2.1.2 with only the additional threading option.

1) Checked out the Zope-2_4-branch using cvs.

2) Applied the ExtensionClass.h patch.

3) Removed the following directories since these are in the way for my
   2.4.3-like release installation:

   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/TAL
   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates
   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/Products/STXDocument
   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/Products/Sessions
   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/Products/Transience
   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/Products/TemporaryFolder
   rm -R Zope-2.4.4a-src/lib/python/ZTUtils

4) I then performed a diff against my previous Zope-2.4.3 installation
   to see just what has changed.  The only noticeable differences that
   are not included in the doc/CHANGES.txt are some modifications made
   to the file lib/python/ZODB/Mount.py.  Otherwise, the changes
   pretty much match the CHANGES.txt doc (as best as I can tell).

5) I ran all of the unittests and they checked out fine.

6) I then installed this new version of zope (and zeo) and backed up
   our current zodb database.

7) Finally, I started up zope/zeo and tested our applications in the
   development environment and everything seems to be working fine.
   Unfortunately, the number of zope restarts is really unknown until
   this version is placed in our production environment.

I have placed the diff against my old Zope-2.4.3 baseline and the
ExtensionClass.h patch at the following URLS:


I would appreciate any other persons with similiar needs to repeat
steps similar as above and let me know if the face any troubles, etc.


- j