[Zope-dev] updating homebrew extension of structured text to standard

Jochen Knuth jok-zope@ipro.de
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 04:23:19 +0200

Hi all,

> Jochen Knuth  <jok-zope@ipro.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i have a ZClass with a property which is renderd as structured text. 
>> Because i designed this ZClass before there was a standard for 
>> including images, i made my own extension of structured text formating.
>> Short: I used __imageobject__ as markup for the image.
>> Now i want to update all my zclass instances to the new syntax (while 
>> upgrading to Zope 2.5.1).
>> I have a Python Script listKBE, which call an External Method 
>> updateKBE. If i use it with a path with only a few ZClass instances 
>> (about 10) it works (slowly). If i use it with a path with about 550 
>> instances it crashes or is extreme slow.
>> Anyone to suggest a faster method?
>> Thank you,
>> Jochen

again replying to myself:
> i now do a ZopeFind (or correct: two nested ZopeFinds) in the External 
> Method (attached) and give the result to the converter function. It 
> works now reasonably fast, even with all my ZClass instances (about 600).

no, it doesn't work :-(

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import string
> import re
> def punc_func(exclude):
>     punc = r''
>     for char in string.punctuation:
>         if char not in exclude:
>             punc = punc + r'\%s' % char
>     return punc
> digits      = string.digits
> letters     = string.letters
> literal_punc = punc_func("'")
> dbl_quoted_punc = punc_func("\"")
> strongem_punc = punc_func('*')
> under_punc = punc_func('_<>')
> phrase_delimiters = r'\s\.\,\?\/\!\&\(\)' 
> def kbeimage_search_replace(text):
>     expr = re.compile(r'__([%s%s%s\s]+?)__' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
>     r=expr(text)
>     if r:
>         start, end = r.span(1)
>         newtext='"bild":img:'
>         newtext=text[:start-2]+newtext+text[start:end]+' '+text[end+2:]
>         return kbeimage_search_replace(newtext)
>     else:
>         return text
> def updateKBE(self,path):
>     pathobj=self.restrictedTraverse(path)
>     resultbases=self.ZopeFind(pathobj, obj_metatypes=['IPRO Knowledge Base'],search_sub=1)
>     resultlist=[]
>     for fid,fobj in resultbases:
>         results=self.ZopeFind(pathobj, obj_metatypes=['IPRO Knowledge Base Entry'])

this should be

          results=self.ZopeFind(fobj, obj_metatypes=['IPRO Knowledge 
Base Entry'])

not searching recursively else.

>         for id,obj in results:
>             resultlist.append(id)
>             issue = obj.Issue
>             newissue = kbeimage_search_replace(issue)

and here the Zope process dies on signal 11, if i only print e.g. id, 
obj.Issue it works, but when i call the 
kbeimage_search_replace()-function ->kaboom.

>             obj.propertysheets.properties.manage_changeProperties({'Issue':newissue})
>     return resultlist

if i test the kbeimage_search_replace()-function manually, i can replace 
the __image.gif__ several times, but i think that the recursive call is 
causing the error.
Any re expert here, who can change the recursive function into an one 
pass function (there might be several image refs per issue)?

Thank you,
Jochen Knuth          WebMaster http://www.ipro.de
IPRO GmbH             Phone ++49-7152-93330
Steinbeisstr. 6       Fax ++49-7152-933340
71229 Leonberg        EMail: J.Knuth@ipro.de