(OT) Re: [Zope-dev] Zope 2.6 planning - call for contributors!

seb bacon seb@jamkit.com
04 Mar 2002 09:58:21 +0000

On Mon, 2002-03-04 at 03:55, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > I think the performance hit is really quite minimal for two if statements at 
> > the entry and exit point(s) of a function to turn the behaviour on and off.
> I'm not convinced. Those small increments of performance really add up.
> Look at how Python's performance over time has degraded as one after
> another small bits of cruft accumulated.

?!?! :-)

$ python1.5 pystone.py
Pystone(1.1) time for 10000 passes = 0.84
This machine benchmarks at 11904.8 pystones/second

$ python2.1 pystone.py
Pystone(1.1) time for 10000 passes = 0.77
This machine benchmarks at 12987 pystones/second

$ python2.2 pystone.py
Pystone(1.1) time for 10000 passes = 0.68
This machine benchmarks at 14705.9 pystones/second
