[Zope-dev] Versions: should they die?

Oliver Bleutgen myzope@gmx.net
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 10:04:00 +0200

Anthony Baxter wrote:
>>>>Oliver Bleutgen wrote
>>As you and Guido are talking about the ZMI (which means, AFAIK, the 
>>managament interface), let me just say that as far as I understand it, 
>>deprecating/marking-as-evil and even removing OFSP/Version.py is not 
>>what I would like to see happen (not only).
>>The problem lies in ZODB.ZApplication.ZApplicationWrapper
>>  def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST=None, name=None):
>>         db, aname, version_support = self._stuff
>>         if version_support is not None and REQUEST is not None:
>>             version=REQUEST.get(version_support,'')
>>         else: version=''
>>         conn=db.open(version)
>>   ...
>>As I understand it, even if the Version product is removed, just putting 
>>at variable named 'Zope-Version' into the REQUEST will cause reads and 
>>writes to happen in a version.
>>Am I missing something here?
> I think that will only work if there's a Version with the specified name.

Have you tried it? I have (with cookies), and it works always.
Oh, and for added fun set a persistent cookie.
