[Zope-dev] Re: [Vote] PEP308 voting began

Paul Winkler pw_lists@slinkp.com
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 10:54:10 -0500

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 07:33:44AM +0100, Joachim Werner wrote:
> If I understood the intentions of ZPT right one of the ideas was to get 
> rid of too much application logic in the template. But currently ZPT 
> seems to be extended to become very similiar in functionality to DTML. 
> I'd prefer to see an approach where Python is used wherever it makes 
> sense and ZPT is kept as simple and stupid as possible.


"ugly" python expressions in ZPT is to me a clear signal that
you need to refactor and that's a GOOD THING.  And refactoring
is easy when you can just start by copy / pasting the
python expressions into a Script.  If they were some
new-fangled "if: then: else:" syntax in TAL, you'd have to
rewrite from scratch...  and we're right back in the
mess we got into with DTML: the poor developer is forced
to learn many ways of doing the same thing.


Paul Winkler
look! up in the sky! it's secretary The Archer of Doom
(randomhero courtesy isometric.spaceninja.com)