Should we require windows users to use tools that honor Unix lineendings? (Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] ATTENTION! cvs to subversiontransitiontomorrow)

Lennart Regebro regebro at
Wed Apr 28 10:58:43 EDT 2004

From: "Jim Fulton" <jim at>
> I found this to be so unbelievable, that I had to resoearch it myself.
> unbelievable, I couldn't help it.

> > I think we'll have to develop a standard set of config file settings
> > that for committers to add to their personal svn configs --

Eh. WHAT!?! OK, that there are settings like these, but aren't they
configured on the server?
They are CLIENT side? That is very weird.

> I think the "real" answer, the answer that the svn (and arch) developers
> in the heart of hearts is that windows users should be using tools that
> well, understand and always produce Unix line endings.

Well, but that is also a setting that needs to be handled.
I use TextPad which conserves line endings. But when I create a new file, it
would typically save it with windows endings, unless I say so..

> Is it practical to require windows users to use tools that understand and
> Unix line endings?

Maybe more practical than forcing them to have specific SVN settings, but
only slightly so...

> I suppose it could.  I think that a post-commit script could inspect new
files and,
> for any new file that has no mine-type property, or has one with a text
> set the svn:eol-style proprty to native. It would have to do this in a
> transaction.

I think this is the only possible solution...

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