[Zope-dev] closed collector issues 1252 and 1308

Paul Winkler pw_lists at slinkp.com
Tue Aug 31 11:25:56 EDT 2004

On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 11:09:03AM +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
> >>>absolute_url_path
> >>>- is usable with VHM, but still containment only.
> >>>
> >>>virtual_url_path
> >>>- is usable with VHM, but still containment only.
> >>
> >>Again, what do both of these do?
> >
> >
> >virtual_url_path replaces absolute_url(relative=1) which IIRC is 
> >going to be deprecated because everybody hates the inherent
> >absurdity of it.  
> but WHAT DOES IT DO?! ;-)

Or just look at Traversable.py in 2.7.x.
> Maybe... How's the API reference code coming? ;-)

The code is not coming, currently. I'm doing an ad-hoc cleanup
of the API reference for the 2.7/2.8 Zope Book first.
> >>>request/URLx 
> >>>- close, but no cigar: leaves out traverse_subpath elements.
> >>
> >>Really? 
> >
> >Yes, really. 
> >
> >
> >>Should it?
> >
> >Good question! Why the heck doesn't it?
> >Seems counterintuitive to me.
> Indeed. Can we propose this as a change for 2.8?
> Would sir care to open a collector issue? ;-)

OK. I'll see if i can work up a patch too.
Digging into HTTPRequest.get at the moment...
> ...which doesn't matter one iota to Zope, but does illustrate my point. 
> This kind of URL building is very problem specific, with each person 
> wanting something slightly different. Adding more methodz to cope, or 
> one method with a myriad of options doesn't feel like the right way to 
> go about it to me...

It also illustrates *my* point:  This particular use case is
very simply stated, I do not agree that it's an edge case, and current
solutions are much too subtle and non-obvious.
If we leave it to people to re-discover this solution, or document a 
particular idiom such as yours (where?), the hapless admin who comes 
across this code for the first time is *still* going to have to look at it
and say "what the heck does that do?", and if he doesn't find
the particular bit of proposed documentation, there is a good
chance he could accidentally break it in for some case.


Paul Winkler

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