[Zope-dev] Proposal (was How to make Zope fail nicely under highload?)

Bjorn Stabell bjorn at exoweb.net
Thu Feb 19 19:55:48 EST 2004

Toby wrote:
> On Thursday 19 February 2004 11:18, Bjorn Stabell wrote:
> > The solution is a bit different from what we discussed on the list 
> > before; basically do away with the Medusa request queue 
> > altogether and use listen()'s backlog instead.
> Last week you were keen that medusa keep processing requests 
> so that it can 
> return a 503 error quickly. I guess your view on that requirement has 
> changed? 

This is still something that have to be tested to see what works best.
Managing the work with the listen() backlog instead of Medusa's request
queue has the benefit of being less resource intensive (Medusa doesn't
have to do anything).  If Zope is behind a HTTP accelerator/surrogate or
load balancer, the surrogate's connect() should fail if the listen queue
is full, and it may return 503 anyways (not tested).

In the end, the most important point is to put an upper bound on the
request backlog (and therefore the response time).


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