[Zope-dev] [RfC] Removal of old stuff in Zope 2.10

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Thu Dec 22 08:44:37 EST 2005

On Dec 22, 2005, at 8:26 AM, Andreas Jung wrote:

> --On 20. Dezember 2005 16:41:37 -0500 Chris McDonough  
> <chrism at plope.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 20, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Paul Winkler wrote:
>>> But I'm not sure I understand you.
>>> Are you saying that in order to use Basket, my product can't call
>>> registerHelp()?
>>> Or are you saying that when installed via Basket, registerHelp()
>>> does nothing?  That's fine.
>> Yep, the latter currently...
> You could please describe what the implications between Basket and  
> Helpys are?

Egg products may be run from a zipfile (this is a "distribution"; it  
might contain more than one product).   Egg distributions can be  
marked as "non-zip-safe", in which case Basket will uncompress them  
to a cache directory before adding them to the "product  
path" (although the Products package namespace is not required for  
egg products).  But the some products will be run entirely from a  
zipfile without decompressing them.  Helpsys expects to be able to  
find help files on disk.

pkg_resources is a module by Phillip Eby that can used to indirect  
file access through a separate API that makes it possible to read  
files from either a zipfile or from a directory path.  Fred also  
wrote a package named zope.filereference which does the same. I  
suspect you may need to change apidoc to use one of these APIs when  
it's finding and reading files.

- C

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