[Zope-dev] Mountpoints

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue Oct 18 21:16:33 EDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 11:32 -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
> Ah, I had forgotten about that. It would be great to merge the mountpoint
> work into the head. There isn't a 2.9 branch afaik.

I think I may need some remedial SVN help because I don't want to do
this in a stupid way.  Hopefully someone will be willing to guide me
through this.

There exists a branch of the Zope 2 trunk named the zodb-blobs-branch.
It was created as a branch of the Zope 2 trunk on September 25 (about 3
weeks ago).

The zodb-blobs-branch contains code that use Tim's multidatabase support
for mountpoint support rather than the older DBTab code which
monkeypatched ZODB and did other nasty things.  It contains a few other
ancillary changes that make it possible to use a HEAD-ish ZODB package
in Zope 2 as well (including changes to the setup.py I mentioned which
allows a newer ZODB to be compiled).

The zodb-blobs-branch happens to link in an svn external for the ZODB
package which currently points to a *ZODB* branch named
"blob-merge-branch".  This is really the only thing "blob-ish" about the
zodb-blobs-branch.  All of the changes that actually cause blobs to be
supported are isolated in that ZODB branch.  The rest of the changes are
really just to support a later ZODB revision within Zope.  It's likely
that this svn external can be changed to point to any 3.6-ish ZODB
branch without breaking things too badly.

So I'd *think* I'd like to:

- create a SVN branch *from the zodb-blobs-branch* named

- change the svn external for lib/python/ZODB on the 
  mountpoint-merge-branch to point at the proper ZODB revision

- merge the changes that have happened since September 25 on the
  Zope 2 trunk into the mountpoint-merge-branch

- merge the mountpoint-merge-branch back in to the trunk.

But I've read the Zope SVN FAQ and it frowns on the practice of merging
trunk changes into a branch and back again.  Is there a better way to do
this other than applying the changes manually to the HEAD?

Also, what is the "right" branch of ZODB to use in the svn:external for
lib/python/ZODB so I can test that it all works ok before I actually
perform the merge to the HEAD?

- C

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