[Zope-dev] I Like ZClasses as a separate product, I like Democracy Better

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Tue Oct 3 03:51:25 EDT 2006

--On 2. Oktober 2006 10:24:33 -0700 Christopher Lozinski 
<lozinski at freerecruiting.com> wrote:

> I do like the idea of ZClasses as a separate product.
> If we make ZClasses a separate product,  does that mean we can get our
> own mailing list for ZClasses.  Maybe a separate web site,  wiki, etc?

I doubt that there would be any objections if you want to take over 
responsibility and ownership over this particular subproject.

> Maybe the 4 or 5 companies who care about ZClasses can get together and
> fund the upgrade.

How much will your company offer? Will you work on getting the funding 

>  Open source is good, democratic source
> would be better.

What does that mean?

> I am not trying to upset people with this email message.  I just want to
> present a different point of view.

I am only upset to continuous postings containing a lot of hot air without 
any kind of outcome. I bring it back the point: you have legitimate 
interest in ZClasses. Most of the core developers don't have such an 
interest. It is now *your turn* to do something for ZClasses - either by 
finding a volunteer to fix outstanding issues or by fundraising to pay a 
talented ZClasses maintainer. Sorry for repeating myself but I don't see 
any progress on the ZClasses front. As release manager I want to make clear 
that I don't want to ship further Zope 2 releases with packages that are in 
a bad shape and partly broken (I am not talking of packages that are in bad 
shape but that do work :-)).


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