[Zope-dev] Re: getting RestrictedPython working on Python 2.5

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Wed Dec 5 06:18:13 EST 2007

Chris Withers wrote:
> Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>> $ svn co $z/RestrictedPython/trunk RestrictedPython   (or a branch)
>> $ cd RestrictedPython
>> $ /your/development/python bootstrap.py
>> $ bin/buildout
>> $ bin/test
>> ($z refers to svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main on my system)
> Where does this put the code that I'd be changing?

Uh, you checked it out (first line: svn co).

> Are any dependencies brought out as svn checkouts or just got as stable 
> releases?

Dependencies will be downloaded from PyPI (or any other index you 
specify) as eggs.

>> Note that this procedure is the canonical one for all packages 
>> maintained in svn.zope.org nowadays.
> OK, is there a non-buildout equivalent?

There's python setup.py develop, which will also install the checked out 
thing as a development egg, but it will try and install the dependencies 
  in the site-packages of the 'python' you used to call it with. This 
usually means isntalling things globally (unless you use virtualenv).

Also, you don't get a test runner this easily (though we should probably 
make python setup.py test work at some point, it currently doesn't work).

The neat thign about the buildout way is that

- it's an absolute no-brainer
- it's completely self-contained (nothing is installed outside that one 
directory, unless you explicitly allow that).

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