AW: [Zope-dev] Re: AW: Re: New i18n locale extraction concept

Roger Ineichen dev at
Wed May 7 18:55:06 EDT 2008

Hi Maurits

Thanks for your feedback,

> Betreff: [Zope-dev] Re: AW: Re: New i18n locale extraction concept
> Hi Roger,
> Roger Ineichen, on 2008-05-01:
> > I agree, a tool whould be great. But the first we need to 
> offer i18n 
> > extract script which can handle our new egg based buildout process. 
> > z3c.recipe.i18n is the only one which could handle this right now.
> >
> >> Ideally, the recipe i18n tool should be able to extract, 
> merge, and 
> >> give stats, just like in the monolithic zope release.
> >
> > Yes, z3c.recipe.i18n does this right now. The -d option uses one or 
> > more egg or develop externals as argument instead of one 
> single path.
> Some comments on that z3c.recipe.i18n
> In README.txt you first mention z3c.recipe.start, then the 
> i18n recipe and then the app recipe.  Is the same meant in 
> all three cases?

Uhaaa, that's a left over from a copied README.txt file.
I need to review that part again.

> I like that it can extract locales from eggs.  I don't like 
> that it uses zcml for this.  Is the zcml really necessary?

zcml is needed for exctract locales from page templates.  

> Why specify both eggs and packages?  And why specify those 
> packages in the too?  At least that is what I see in 
> zam.locales.

Eggs are needed for setup your project, or probably a working 
setup like in any other package.

Packages are used for extract locales from. That could be very 
different then the egg setup. The will only deep
into this packages, but probably this packages will need different
eggs which they import from.

Note, if you run the i18nextract script, all module must be
there like in a running application. You can't only use
the files which will contain locales. Also modules which
this packages import from must be there.

This isn't aproblem since the dependes on 
everyting which we developed the last years. Because depends on almost everything.

> The tests don't run on Linux as there are Windows specific 
> checks in them, for example:
>   File ".../z3c.recipe.i18n/src/z3c/recipe/i18n/README.txt", line 121,
>   in README.txt
>   Failed example:
>       ls('bin')
>   Expected:
>       -
>       -  buildout.exe
>       -
>       -  i18nextract.exe
>       -
>       -  i18nmergeall.exe
>       -
>       -  i18nstats.exe
>   Got:
>       -  buildout
>       -  i18nextract
>       -  i18nmergeall
>       -  i18nstats
> Of course quite likely there are also a lot of Linux/Mac 
> packages that fail on Windows because of similar reasons. :-/

I see, I 'll add a normalizer for that. I thought it was already
there, but could be not correct implemented.

Roger Ineichen

> --
> Maurits van Rees |
>             Work | "This is your day, 
> don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]
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