[Zope-dev] [BlueBream] handling URLs for multiple sites in single bluebream instance

Joshua Immanuel josh at hipro.co.in
Fri Jun 17 10:23:36 EDT 2011

Hello Thierry,

Thanks for the reply.

On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 14:31 +0200, Thierry Florac wrote:
> I guess you just want to do virtual hosting inside a single BlueBream
> application server 

Ok. That is one way to say. What if I want to add new sites dynamically
from the web frontend?

For the virtual hosting, I don't have to care about the URL prefix, I
just treat my URLs as say, "/container1/object1/@@add.html" instead of

But say, I have a view page for "http://localhost:xxxx/" (i.e. for
zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder) which has links to create new sites.
And say, I create necessary application specific objects under them when
the new site is added to the root.

How to dynamically handle the URLs for this kind of situation?

Joshua Immanuel
HiPro IT Solutions Private Limited
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