[Zope-PAS] Cookie authentication and stuff

Lennart Regebro regebro at nuxeo.com
Mon Aug 30 09:10:07 EDT 2004

Tino Wildenhain wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe its fixed in the CVS, but trying
> out the tar.gz I found some issues.
> in utils.py there was an endless loop
> looking for a folder with name "Products"
> I replaced it with: 
> product_dir, utils_module_file = os.path.split(
> os.path.abspath(__file__) )
> product_prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(product_dir,"..",".."))
> (and removed the while part)
> When the PAS is in a subfolder,
> it does not create a anonymous
> user but returns None so BaseRequest.py
> goes on to find another UserFolder
> down the path and finally raises
> Unauthorized()
> I changed file PluggableAuthService.py
> line 267: in validate()
>         if not is_top:
>             # ok we dont find a user, but we may have other userfolders
>             # down the path. Lets see if one of them would like to 
>             # handle it
>             me=self.aq_parent # we want our folder, there must be at
> least one
>             while hasattr(me,"aq_parent"):
>                 me=me.aq_parent
>                 if hasattr(me,"__allow_groups__"):
>                     megr=me.__allow_groups__
>                     if hasattr(megr,"validate"):
>                         u=megr.validate(request,auth,roles)
>                         if u is not None:
>                             return None  # we should probably return
>                                          # the user here, but I'm not
>                                          # sure and leave it to
> BaseRequest
>                                          # for now
>             #return None
>         #
>         #   No other user folder above us can satisfy, and we have no
> user;
>         #   return a constructed anonymous only if anonymous is
> authorized.
>         #
>         anonymous = self._createAnonymousUser( plugins )
>         self._authorizeUser( anonymous
>                               , accessed
>                               , container
>                               , name
>                               , value
>                               , roles
>                               ) # call it but ignore return value for
> now
>         return anonymous
> now we have anonymous, but challenge() is still not called.
> How is it meant to be?

If the authentication fails from any userfolder, challenge() should be 
called. I guess the first challenge plugin only?

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