[Zope-PAS] Domainauth

Janko Hauser jhauser at zscout.de
Thu Jun 22 08:50:37 EDT 2006

Am 22.06.2006 um 13:48 schrieb Zachery Bir:

> Woops. Like I said, too long since I played in it. It runs  
> request.getClientAddr(), which does take HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, but  
> only if the default REMOTE_ADDR is in an attribute called  
> `trusted_proxies`. From lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPRequest.py (in  
> some 2.7 branch):
>   # The trusted_proxies configuration setting contains a sequence
>   # of front-end proxies that are trusted to supply an accurate
>   # X_FORWARDED_FOR header. If REMOTE_ADDR is one of the values in  
> this list
>   # and it has set an X_FORWARDED_FOR header, ZPublisher copies  
>   # into X_FORWARDED_BY, and the last element of the  
>   # into REMOTE_ADDR. X_FORWARDED_FOR is left unchanged.
>   # The ZConfig machinery may sets this attribute on initialization
>   # if any trusted-proxies are defined in the configuration file.
>   trusted_proxies = []
> (again, this is all if you're using mod_rewrite and  
> VirtualHostMonster)

Thank you Zac, yes I'm using mod_rewrite and VHM. I added the trusty- 
proxy directive into etc/zope.conf, but this seems to not work. But  
on further on this route I added a patch from Dieter Maurer to  
SiteAccess/VHM and I have now the right "REMOTE_ADDR" in the request.  
But no access to secured pages :-)

Another thing I noticed it, that I see that a user authenticated by  
the cookie-login runs through the code of domain_auth. And the cookie- 
plugin is used for credential extraction. As far as I understand, the  
actual authentication is done later. So if the cookie-plugin does not  
found an appropriate cookie it redirects to the login-page and the  
domain_auth plugin is never used?

With regards and thanks for the help,


Janko Hauser  email:  jhauser at zscout.de
               mobile: +49 1721 641552

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