[Zope] - beta 3 won't install

Dave Goodrich DAve@mail.netraven.com
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 23:57:45 -0800

On Sat, 19 Dec 1998, Jeff Bauer scratched:
>>> I've tried everything and cannot get b3 to install.
>  [snip]
>> Any tips?
>I'm at the endpoint of a tight deadline, but here's my tip.
>Run the install script by prefacing it with 'sh -x' on
>the command line.  This will print the shell statements as 
>they execute and perhaps give you a clue as to why the 
>script fails.  Good luck.
>Best regards,
>Jeff Bauer

Tried that (thanks) and I'm dying in    product_install.py
No other info returned in the prompt,  still claims I do not have admin
privleges, it's been a long day of failed installs and bad compiles with this
and other toys.

I'll wait for another suggestion before I go back to beta2.  Tommorrow I'll try
to get a SQL db installed again.

'night all.
