[Zope] - Ok... I'm really stupid!!!

LD Landis ldl@LDL.HealthPartners.COM
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 16:28:15 -0600 (CST)


  I've downloaded the sample and installed it... but what is the mechanism
  that I use to plug it into the mix?  What type is the new item that I add
  to activate it...  Also, I expect that once it is grafted in (say as
  "sample", that I'd get to it via:  "http://mysite.com:9673/sample" right?

  (A README in the tarball would be helpful)..

LD Landis ldl@HealthPartners.Com N0YRQ    Voice 612/883-5511 Fax 612/883-6363
HealthPartners, 8100 34th Avenue So, PO Box 1309, Minneapolis, MN  55440-1309
Shape your life not from your memories, but from your hopes.       (Borrowed)