[Zope] - Problem adding object on Win32 binary release

Timothy J. Grant tjg@avalongroup.net
Tue, 29 Dec 1998 14:50:12 -0800

At 09:30 AM 12/28/98 -0500, you wrote:

>> Unfortunately Zope doesn't work with my favourite browser 
>> (Opera), so I
>I see that Opera doesnt seem to like forms with an
>ENCTYPE specified -- is this what you are referring
>to? (e.g. I can add Folders with Opera, but it seems
>to hang waiting for a response when adding documents,
>images or files which have file upload fields. Interestingly,
>the document _does_ get created in Zope - I'll look into

Actually, I get an error the minute I go into the management screens
stating "The server requested a login authentication method that Opera does
not yet support."  That's with Opera v3.5

>>Most of the features work, but when I 
>> attempt to do an add
>> from the top level folder, IE4 reports the following error:
>> "Microsoft Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site
>> http://localhost:9673?%3amethod=manage_adddocumentform/. 
>> Invalid syntax"
>> Any light that can be shed would be greatly appreciated.
>What kind of object exactly are you trying to add? I haven't
>been able to recreate this in my windows installation...

Any object I select from the root folder. It doesn't matter what type
generates the error however, the "method=manage_*******" portion of the
message changes based on what it is I try to add.

My tree has a root folder, a Control Panel folder and a acl_users folder.

The root folder lists the following objects:
Control Panel
User Folder
standard error message
standard html footer
standard html header

Thanks for your kind assistance.

Stand Fast,
Timothy J. Grant				tjg@avalongroup.net
Avalon Technology Group			www.avalongroup.net
(503) 246-3630 voice                              	
(503) 246-3124 fax			    	

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