[Zope] How come ?

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Tue, 24 Aug 1999 10:48:13 +0200

At 10:00 24/08/99 , Arnaud Lecat wrote:
>How come this test doesn't work ?
><dtml-in "navigate_filter('donav','yes',_.None)" sort=title_or_id
><dtml-if expr="id != index_html">

What is the error you are getting?

On certain objects id is a method, on others it is an attribute. The 
expression 'id != index_html' also tests if id (either a string or a method 
object) is equal to the object with id index_html.

Try this:

"if _['id'] != 'index_html'"

Which makes sure that is 'id' is a method, it is called and it's result is 
used. You then compare it to the string 'index_html'.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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