[Zope] Fwd: Re: [Zope] some advice for a news site

- bak@nstp.com.my
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:52:00 +0800

On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> We have a project of a Web-zine that has to run on a Linux box. I heard
> about Zope and I'm impressed so far.
> The site will have functionality like "related news" and "send this to a
> friend". We also need to be able to categorize the content/news and search
> with keywords.
> There will be "subscribers" that will receive daily tips with links to the
> news on the Web site. Those will be stored in a RDBMS.
> We took a look at PHP3 and MySQL as an interesting choice, but after reading
> about Zope we would like to take the better alternative.
> Is it possible to use the Z ODB to store the news instead of a RDBMS,
> without loosing the functionality we need?... Maybe a combination of Zope
> and MySQL?.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Luis Bordas
we are in the publishing sector, and the company i worked for produces daily
and weekly papers.  we are developing a site to complement the print version.

we have decided to go with zope, and so far has used ZClasses to help present
news.  the send to a friend feature is stolen from KMNetNews (thanks kevin). 
related link can easily be created, me think.  the ZClass categorized according
to publication, day, section, etc.

Developement is still on going.  help are welcome from those interested.

we have not gone live yet, so don't know whether we have a good solution or
not; with regard to performance, response time, etc..

some other things - comment form ala slash/squish dot for articles,
customization of pages ala zope site, ...

RDBMS use may come in the future, and we are more inclined towards postgres.

note:  the codes are not of professional quality, since we are very new with
Zope and know little to no python,  and may not even be useful to others.

checkout the beta site, comments regards to response time, presentation,
feature wish, etc are welcome

Am I Evil?