[Zope] manage_addImage does not work

Eduardo Fernandez Corrales efernandez@sistelnet.es
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:21:12 +0000


I am trying to add an image to a folder, from the local filesystem. I fill
the form with the Id, Title and Image fields but after clicking on "Add"
nothing happens, the browser just waits.

My logs show no sign of activity until I click some other link. Then I get

xxx.xx.xxx.xx - - [14/Dec/1999:18:06:46 +0100] "POST
/Testfolder/manage_addProduct/OFSP/manage_addImage HTTP/1.0" 400 2083

The Zope process shows no sign of CPU locking, or any other abnormal

What could be happening?

Thanks in advance.
Eduardo Fernández Corrales
Sistelnet Integraciones Telemáticas - http://www.sistelnet.es