[Zope] Detecting empty SQL call

Phil Grove phil.grove@flg21.com
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 09:56:19 +0100

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me how to detect if the call to a mySQL database returns an
empty recordset as my code causes an error if the SQL returns an empty

This is what i am currently using:

<!--#in dBcall-->
  <!--#if "newName == name"-->
   <!--#call "REQUEST.set('titleTrue', 'true')"-->
   <!--#call "REQUEST.set('titleTrue', 'false')"-->

i have tried various <!--#if  --> statement, but it doesn't seem to make
any difference.

Any advice?



Phil Grove	          phil.grove@flg21.com
Web Development         0113 2949494
flg21                   http://www.flg21.com
