[Zope] squishdot 0.1.5 against zope rpm 1.10.3

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:06:00 +0200

At 10:07 14/07/99 , zhaoway wrote:
>I've encountered a problem when installing
>Squishdot 0.1.5 on Zope RPM 1.10.3
>I got a broken product.
>Then I looked into the Traceback. It says:
>Since I've successfully installed Squishdot on my local win98 test box,
>I went to checked out that,
>on my local win98 test box w/ Zope for windows installed:
>there're Query.c and Query.pyd under lib/python/SearchIndex
>while on my linux box w/ Zope RPM installed, there're no
>such files.
>Maybe this is the problem?  Please clarify me. Thanks!

Sounds like your problem, yes. It looks like the RPM isn't complete, 
Query.c is part of the Zope 1.10.3 distribution.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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