[Zope] Setting properties based on security

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 03 Mar 1999 09:35:46 +0100

At 22:25 02/03/99 , Robin Dunn wrote:
>I have a folder with various boolean properties associated with it which are
>accessed by the dtml docs as flags for enabling or disabling content.  Turn
>off the flag and a chunk of the page goes away when it is next viewed.  This
>works great, but I would like to associate that behaviour with the security
>attributes.  In other words, when somebody in the Anonymous role is viewing
>objects in the folder the properties should be unset, but when users in the
>manager (or some other specific role) view the pages then the properties
>should be set and those parts of the pages are activated.
>How can this be done?

You could, using AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role() and manage_changeProperties(). I
think it will be better if you completely skip the property setting though..

You could just show content using
<!--#if ATHENTICATED_USER.has_role(['Anonymous'])-->
        Content _only_ for the Anonymous user
<!--#if ATHENTICATED_USER.has_role(['Manager'])-->
        Content for users with the Manager role.

This way you don't accidently let any properties float around, causing content
to be shown to the wrong people.

M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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