[Zope] OT: Server Question

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin@texoma.net
Thu, 20 May 1999 10:04:21 -0500

I am about to purchase a server to host my website. It will eventually be
placed at my isp for colocating.

My question is this.

I am not buying a modem for this server. If I were to connect my home
computer to this server via ethernet and developed my Zope site on this
server, while in development could ZServer access the internet (provided I
am currently connected) through my Mac's modem?

I need to access the internet for data while developing my site. In fact
part of the functionality is gathering information off of the net. So this
needs to be done from within Zope and ZServer.

Server info: Redhat 6.x, Zope, ZServer

This will just determine whether I can develop in this manner or if I will
develop in LinuxPPC on my Mac and move the /var and /Products directorys
over to the server.

Thanks for any help.

Jimmie Houchin