Hannu Krosing hannu@tm.ee
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 23:50:43 +0200

Sam Gendler wrote:
> >
> >
> > This time I changed the concurrency (-c , -t is timelimit) on zeus_benc side
> >  -c 1  - 41 TPS
> >  -c 2  and up ~ 35 TPS and max 4 threads showing as being used in top.
> >
> > the top lines of top looked like this on -t 30 -c 100
> >
> >
> If even going to 2 threads on the client side causes a 20% degradation in
> performance, there has got to be something wrong with the threading model in the
> server.  I will look at it as I get a chance, but I am in the midst of building a
> huge application with a deadline of Dec 20, so I will not have much time until
> then.  However, if someone could do the timings that I requested, I can certainly
> help diagnose the problem.  the fact that it gets such poor performance with even a
> single thread is quite bothersome.  A perl script should be able to do better than
> that, quite frankly.

I just tested a small python cgi scriptat concurrency level 10:

a cgi script that printed the Content-type and "Hi There!" got ~30 TPS at 

a more complicated one that connected to Database and retrieved the 
20 rows of 700 ran at about ~10 TPS

Just importing DocumentTemplate got it down to 7-8 TPS

Compiling a simple DTML made it go 6.5 TPS

using the DTML it to display the results --> 6.1 TPS
