[Zope] acl_users from Zope.org [Q]

Michel Pelletier michel@digicool.com
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:18:10 -0500

We rolled our own 'Member Folder' which is a modified version of the
stock acl_users.  It will be included in the PTK.

BTW, please don't send HTML formatted mail to the zope lists.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Mattarollo [mailto:brunomadv@ciudad.com.ar]
Sent: Monday, November 15, 1999 5:20 PM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] acl_users from Zope.org [Q]


    May I ask what is Zope.org using as acl_users? UserDB? or the
standard acl_users from the Zope-2.0.1 dist.?



Bruno Mattarollo <brunomadv@ciudad.com.ar>
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