[Zope] RE: Two newbie questions

Michael Bernstein mbernstein@profitscape.net
Wed, 08 Sep 1999 11:05:35 -0700

Chris Fassnacht wrote:

> <stuff deleted>
> In one of the threads on this subject ("OO Paradigm", Jan-Feb 1999), Jim
> Fulton even seemed to indicate that there is no reason that something like
> this could be done, albeit with some Python programming or the use of
> ZTables (http://www.zope.org/pipermail/zope/1999-February/001716.html).

Wow. I had no idea anyone was reading my old posts. I feel so special!

But seriously, this has been my personal hobby horse for quite a while now, but
I've refrained from bugging DC about it (they've been busy).

In any case, ZTables does indeed have the 'hierarchy' functionality that we
want, but it has yet to be released. A related proposal called 'Topics' popped
up on the Zope site yesterday:
http://www.zope.org:18200/Members/Amos/TopicProposal , which seems to apply
ZTables Hierarchies to ZCatalog albeit with a somewhat different interface.

This is EXACTLY what I've been waiting for! I knew you guys would get around to
it eventually. With the minor quibble that it would be nice to have logical
operators besides 'OR' to chain queries within a Topic, this proposal seems

The one thing that is unclear is whether you can set properties on a Topic, or
if you would have to place a Document with properties on it into the Topic.

BTW, as this is so useful in contexts other than news/informational, I propose
changing the name from Topics to 'Category' or 'ZCategory'.


Michael Bernstein.