[Zope] modifying/changing DTML properties

Paul Schreiber shrub@yahoo.com
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 13:05:06 -0700 (PDT)

- I have a folder in my zope tree called spam. 
- spam has one document called "foo"
- spam has a property called "eggs" which is set to "green"

foo looks like this:
  <p><!--#var eggs --> ( &dtml-eggs; )

I want to be able to change the value of eggs to, say, "blue" like so:
  <!--#if someCondition -->
  <!--#call "MythicalChangePropertyFunction(eggs, 'blue')" -->
  <!--#endif -->
  <p>eggs is now <b><!--#var eggs --></b>

how do I do this?

I am running Zope 2.1.6 under debian linux.


shad 96c / 4A CS / mac activist / eda / fumbler
fan of / jewel / sophie b. / sarah slean / steve poltz / emm gryner /
       / x-files / buffy / dawson's creek / habs / bills / 49ers /

         t h i n k  d i f f e r e n t.

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