[Zope] access log analyzer (analog, webalizer etc.)

Martin Winkler marwin98@gmx.net
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 02:26:24 +0100

Hi listies,

since we all use names for urls that are not "standardized" - ending with 
".html", ".gif" etc -  I am wondering how to do a good logfile analyzing 
with standard tools like those in the subject line. I am usually running 
zope behind a http-accelerated squid, so I've configured squid to use 
"emulate_httpd_log on". But how webalizer doesn't recognize whether it's an 
image or html output.

Did someone already write a tool that converts these logfiles like this (or 

logfileconverter reads the logfile line by line --> checks against the ZODB 
whether the url outputs a "jpg", "gif" or "html" --> converts the line in 
the logfile accordingly (e.g. "/mydir/mymethod" to "/mydir/mymethod.html" 
and "mydir/mypic" to "mydir/mypic.jpg") --> then saves the modified logfile 
to disk or pipes it to webalizer.

Thanks for your input!
