[Zope] dtml-in batch processing

Denis, Ronald J (Ronald)** CTR ** rdenis@lucent.com
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:03:08 -0500

A few dtml-in questions.

I have created a query form which uses the POST method.  The action points
to my DTML Method.  Inside my dtml-in loop, I have the following    

    <dtml-if previous-sequence>
      <a href="<dtml-var URL><dtml-var sequence-query>
      (Previous <dtml-var previous-sequence-size> results)
    </dtml-if previous-sequence>

The problem is that <dtml-var sequence-query> only works if I used the GET
method in my form. 

Q1) Is there a way to make this work if I am using POST?

The list in my <dtml-in > tag is returned from an SQL method.

Q2) If I revert to using the GET method and the <a> tag lists all of the
parameters, does zope rerun my SQL Method or has it stored it in cache


Ron Denis