[Zope] Accessing built in Icons

Gregor vorlon@iglou.com
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 17:45:56 -0500

Does anybody know how to access the icons that Zope uses for its objects
(folders, DTML Documents, etc.) for a Z Class I created, or where that info
might be found?

I know I could just load the icon image from the
"lib/python/Products/OFSP/images" directory, but I'm trying to figure out how
to do it without using up extra space in the database for that image (assuming
that I'm not misunderstanding that bit...)

(No... in the long run, it probably doesn't matter for such small images, and
usually I'd just make my own image anyway, but it'll give me a slightly better
idea of Zope's structure and this particular class isn't enough to bother with
a new icon.)

- Gregor