[Zope] help

danchik danchik@rebelbase.com
Thu, 13 Jul 2000 21:17:51 -0700

how can I fix this??

---------------- the main dtml file has the following
<dtml-var SomeVar>  <!-- there is a valid namespace SomeVar and this line
prints it out... -->
                                      <!-- the next line works fine with
Number 5, but not if I substitute SomeVar instead of 5 -->
<dtml-var "Some_Header(style=Some_Style_css(SomeKey=5))">
---------------- the Some_header dtml file has the following
<dtml-var style>
---------------- the Some_Style_css dtml file has the following
input    {     position: relative;

                  font-size: <dtml-var SomeKey>

Now the whole thing works great...... however, if I attempt to make NUMBER 5
by any variable from REQUEST or the current form
the KeyError comes up ::::::::: if instead of 5 I put SomeVar (which was
passed to this dtml from some other form) I get "Error Type: KeyError Error
Value: SomeVar"