[Zope] Methods in a Simple Class

Olivier Deckmyn odeckmyn.list@teaser.fr
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 18:48:41 +0100

Hi all,

I have built a trivial ZClass : CD (from CDProduct, from the guides).

I try to add a DTML Method "render_short".
This method would render the CD Instance on one short line.

My ZClass has simple attributes (artist : string, title : string,
description : text)

I would like to be able to write this simple "render_short" DTML method like

Artist : <dtml-var artist>
Title : <dtml-var title>
Descr : <dtml-var description fmt="structured-text" newline_to_br>

But when I insert a <dtml_var myCDInstance> in my index_html, I got a
exception :

Error Type: KeyError
Error Value: artist

There is no typo in my code...
How can I access to my ZClass instance attribute from inside its methods ?

Please help me :)
