[Zope] GUF: Generic User Folder

Ty Sarna tsarna@endicor.com
16 Mar 2000 17:33:04 GMT

In article <20000316132824.01964@connect.com.au>,
Evan Gibson  <egibson@connect.com.au> wrote:
> One thing I should point out firstly is that the LoginManager inside
> the PTK isn't finished yet and the developers don't suggest actually
> using it just yet.

Most of the unfinshed pieces have to do with giving users
propertysheets. That makes it not quite useful for PTK yet.

I'd say for non-PTK use it's in pretty good shape.  Would I recommend
using it currently? Well, for a production sight, I think maybe it's a
bit too new.  It could stand more testing and security review.  But, if
you're developing a site that you don't need to go live tomorrow, I
say sure, go for it. It's quite useable for non-PTK applications.

> While I said it looks great (and it does) and it accepts the admin
> password it does _not_ yet have the api in place to let you authenticate
> from SQL.

Sure it does! Got a SQL-based GUF? You should be able to take your GUF
userExists/userRoles/userAuthenticate/etc methods and plop them
unchanged into a LoginManager Generic User Source (GUS), and have it
Just Work. 

You're probably thinking of the comment that it's not ready to do
SQL-based PTKs. This is because the propertysheet support that PTK needs
isn't there for SQL. But, that's a feature that no other SQL-based
userfolder has anyway -- it's a new thing, and at the moment only PTK
needs it.