[Zope] Upgraded to 2.1.6, now all pages return an unauthorized error!

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:35:19 -0700

Brian Lloyd wrote:
> Bill -
> Are you using the built-in UserFolders that come with Zope or
> a third party authentication source (or running in 'remote user
> mode')? If not, is there any part of your code that might be
> trying to change the AUTHENTICATED_USER in the REQUEST at any
> point?

Nope. :(
Straight Zope with a _few_ added products

I've since moved back to 2.1.4 and it works fine there. Will be setting
up a special server to duplicate it this week(end).

In flying I have learned that carelessness and overconfidence are 
usually far more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks. 
          -- Wilbur Wright in a letter to his father, September 1900