[Zope] IE Auth failures, NS works fine

Richard Moon richard@dcs.co.uk
Mon, 08 May 2000 11:52:45 +0100

I'm running Zope 2.1.4 with GUF using Zserver on RedHat 6.1 and I have had 
no trouble using IE5 on NT4 workstation. Does this point to the Apache to 
Zope connection being the problem - is the authorisation being passed 
through correctly ? Have you tried it with Zserver to see if it works in 
that mode ? I'll happily pass on my IE5 settings etc.


At 10:04 01/05/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Please excuse my ignorance in this matter. I know nothing about Windows.
>I have posted this before but have had no luck with a solution. I
>thought one more try here and then I guess I migrate to Enhydra or
>something. Anyway, I have a site with about 300+ users running on Redhat
>6.1 with Apache serving Zope. Auth is handled by GUF, but I don't think
>GUF is an issue. I've been fielding problems authenticating with
>Internet Explorer for about a month now. The solution? Use Netscape. It
>works perfectly. I don't think this is very acceptable, however. Can't
>anyone help me track this down? I have no idea where to start looking in
>Windows to figure this out. I have no idea what questions to ask. Why is
>a browser not a browser?
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Richard Moon