[Zope] Putting a <dtml-in> tag into a <dtml-in> tag

Paul Zwarts paz@oratrix.com
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:39:55 +0200

Doesnt that depend on the tables? Zope doesnt support multiple selects in
one method. Regarding the question, can you use a Zsql method through a VAR
tag? It should look like this I think:

<dtml-in "sqlmethod1">
   <dtml-in "sqlmethod2(a=varfromsqlmethod1)">
      <dtml-var theResultfrom2>


-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Tim
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 2:23 PM
To: Gitte Wange; zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Putting a <dtml-in> tag into a <dtml-in> tag

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gitte Wange" <gitte@mmmanager.org>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 1:08 PM
Subject: [Zope] Putting a <dtml-in> tag into a <dtml-in> tag

> Hmmm confusing subject :-)
> What I need to do is this:
> Get some data out of my database (in a <dtml-in> tag)
> While iterating through this data, I need to get some more data out out
> my database (another <dtml-in> tag.
> I tried to call the second sql method with a <dtml-var> from the first
> sql method but I get an error.
> So how do I collect some data from my database with a result from the
> first sql method ?

Wouldn't it be easier to put all the 'data collection' within one zsql


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