[Zope] Classes & Objects Vs Relational Databases

Error error@gargl.net
Fri, 6 Apr 2001 02:45:09 +0200


i'd like to know whether it is best to use classes or relational databases
for a (medium ?) sized project involving about 1000 new documents a month
(average interconnection between them) and about 2 years of backlogs (each
doc being about 1500 signs).

i would love to do it entirely in zope (classes + methods + dtml) but i'm
not sure wheter this is a good idea or if i can make everything i'm used to
like in a relational database.

to make it more clear, i'll make an example. let's say i am dealing with
news-like sutff i have the following tree :

news/sport/XXXXXXXXXXXXX (being yyyymmdd_hhmm)
news/art/XXXXXXXXXXXXX (being yyyymmdd_hhmm too)

i'm using classe for these yyyymmdd_hhmm objects and i'd like to sort them
according to date or author both in separate folders (newest items in
sports) or to pick them from both (5 most recent items from both folders for

how do i do that in dtml ? (i'd prefer doing it in dtml than in python
because people who will be in charge afterwards will have less trouble
managing it).

<dtml-in xxx sort="date"> would do the trick inside a folder, but how do i
do it in both folders ????

furthermore, is it a good idea to keep this in the zodb or is it best to put
it in another outside database (mysql most probably) ?

