[Zope] zope 'hangs' - queries only

Stephan Herschel stephan.herschel@proceryon.at
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 10:24:01 +0100

Hi all,

As i experienced some problems with sql-queries apparently stopping the
system i tried to isolate the problem a little, which i want to describe

We use Zope 2.4.0 (binary release, python 2.1, linux2-x86), python
2.1.0, linux2
We use Interbase together with the gvib database adapter

(My first idea was that maybe the database adapter is the culprit, but
i'm not really sure about this, as there were some postings about zope
installations were one long-running thread could stop all the others.)

I created now a test function wich just sleeps for 30 seconds. 
While this is running i can still work with zope in another session, but
only if pages are displayed which don't contain sql-queries!  All
queries seem to wait until the sleep-job has ended!

This seems very strange to me. Is this a problem of the DA? Or is it a
problem of zope's threading mechanism? Please give me feedback.
