[Zope] Porting ZmxODBC to Linux

Schneider Frans schnef@nido.nl
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 10:00:00 +0100 (MET)


I am both new to Zope and Python. While trying to get ZmxODBC installed on
Linux I run into problems with the DateTime module.

First I got mxODBC version 1.1.1 and mxDateTime 1.1.3 and got them working
with the Openlink ODBC SDK libs. Both mxODBC and mxDateTime work. I use
Python 1.5.2 on Linux 2.2.18 on a Slackware distribution.

Next I installed the ZmxODBC Product _without_ the mxODBC and mxDateTime
subtrees, i.e. I left out everything from the shared/tmp/... tree. Trying
to start Zope, I use version 2.3.0, the installation of the ZmxODBC fails
because the DateTime module in Zope clashes with the DateTime module
mxODBC uses.

Does anybody get ZmxODBC working and have patches for a workaround? Or,
how can I avoid a name clash in Python (can I drop the DateTime module
from Zope and force mxODBC to use the (mx)DateTime module. The mxDateTime
module is in the /usr/lib/python/site-packages directory.

I desperately need to get this working since it seems the only way to get
a Progress database conected.


Frans Schneider