[Zope] [OT] Timing out Zope by Apache/ProxyPass

Oliver Bleutgen Oliver Bleutgen <myzope@gmx.net>
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 20:48:11 +0100

> We run Zope behind Apache/ProxyPass.

> Out client wants that a problem page pops up when Zope does not
> respond or takes too a long time to respond.
> I thought this should be easy with ProxyPass.
> However, my colleague was unable to find corresponding documentation.

> Does anybody know whether ProxyPass can timeout its connections?

I also wanted to know that some time ago. From my skimming through
the source-comments (apache 1.3.9) I think  modproxy has no own 
timeout-handler, it uses a global one.

But couldn't you use the ErrorDocument directive to throw up
an error for any Proxy-Error? 
ErrorDocument 502 /localdocument/my_lame_excuse.html

Hmm, just checked, apache 1.3.9 seems not send anything
if a timout occurs. At least just opening a port on localhost 
with netcat and letting apache connect to that didn't throw
any error at all )-, it just closed the connection after timeout
and IE threw a popup error. 
At least I can confirm that indeed the global parameter
"timeout" is also responsible for mod_proxy's timout handling.
