[Zope] Oracle 8i database connection under Zope

Garry Steedman gs@styrax.com
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 17:08:27 +0000


Rename the directory DCO2 to ZOracleDA, restart zope and delete any 
other Oracle products you have inadvertently created in the product 
management interface...

remember to set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID as zope environment 



PS: many thanks to Matt and Dieter for helping me out with this a 
week or two ago!!!

On 17 Jul 2001, at 16:56, Kerekes Lajos wrote:

From:           	Kerekes Lajos <lkerekes@xperts.hu>
To:             	zope@zope.org
Subject:        	[Zope] Oracle 8i database connection under Zope
Date sent:      	Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:56:26 +0200

> Hi!
> I'd like make an Oracle 8i database connection under Zope.
> I downloaded the DCO2-linux-Beta2.tgz file. Copiled it, and
> copied in the /lib/python/Product under Zope.
> It seems to work but I can't find Z Oracle Database Connection in the
> useable types (for example Z Gadfly Database Connection). Can anybody
> help me, what shall I do more?
>    Thanks:
>      Lajos
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  Garry Steedman      mailto:gs@styrax.com  
  Styrax Associates  http://www.styrax.com/ 

  "The Good Man has no shape."            