[Zope] SQLTEST is case insensitive?

The Doctor What docwhat@gerf.org
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 22:08:52 -0600

* Dieter Maurer (dieter@handshake.de) [010309 14:39]:
> Then, you wrap it into an "dtml-if":
>       <dtml-sqlgroup where>
>         <dtml-if ID>
> 	  "URL"."ID" = <dtml-var ID sql_quote>
> 	</dtml-if>
>       <dtml-and>
>       ....

Would that colapse the dtml-and?


Didn't your teacher ever tell you? Sharing is communisim and is unamerican. At least thats what mine told me, he only had one eye, and his name changed to "prime time" betweeen the hours of 7 and 11
	--Cybercuzco on Slashdot

The Doctor What: A Holtje Production             http://docwhat.gerf.org/
docwhat@gerf.org                                                   KF6VNC