[Zope] Add properties to ZClass instance?

Oliver Bleutgen Oliver Bleutgen <myzope@gmx.net>
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 11:52:30 +0200

> I've got a ZClass to which I'd like to add (variable) properties when
> the instance is created. I made a "Basic" propertysheet and tried
> "manage_addProperty" but Zope reports that properties cannot be added. I
> can add properties to DTML Documents.

> Can you construct a ZClass such that you can add properties to an
> instance, both via management screens and programatically?

Hi Paul,

to learn a little bit about ZClasses I found  
very helpfull.
It teaches you how to build a ZClass and the process
to build a management screen to add the properties 
via the constructor.
