[Zope] Download counter - only successful downloads

Danny William Adair danny@adair.net
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 09:46:31 +1300

> I cant say for sure because were quite happy counting downloads after
> the link was selected and then delivering the file, but I highly doubt
> that a file could be counted AFTER it was totally downloaded... Only
> probably way could be to have a link saying 'click here when finished'
> but people would never do that.
> You _COULD_ write a filesystem protocol that monitors the TCP/IP layer
> and watches for a stream, and then interates a counter when the state
> closes after, but that would be a lot of work for little gain.

Ahh, naaa. Either some "easy way" or not at all :-) That would just be a 
goodie. If there is no clear way to do this, I will have to be happy with 
mere clicks, too. Wouldabeen nice.
